Mesothelioma Settlements and Verdicts

U.S. veterans may be eligible to receive mesothelioma settlements from asbestos companies. The average mesothelioma settlement pays out $1 million to $1.4 million. Seeking a settlement does not involve suing the U.S. military or government, and veterans can still file for VA benefits. See if you and your family can access mesothelioma settlements.

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What Is a Mesothelioma Settlement?

In a mesothelioma lawsuit settlement, asbestos companies award a patient money to resolve a lawsuit, and the case doesn’t move forward to a court trial.

Many U.S. veterans with mesothelioma have received millions of dollars from settlements — the military or government is never sued.

You may start to receive settlement payouts in 90 days or less while still getting mesothelioma VA benefits.

Work with the Mesothelioma Veterans Center to seek settlements. Our legal partners — some of whom also served in the U.S. military — do all of the legal legwork to get a settlement. Our team can also make sure you get VA benefits.

To start the process, you’ll need to find a mesothelioma lawyer. Contact us to find lawyers you’re considering.

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  • Get legal payouts worth $1 million+
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Average Mesothelioma Settlement Amounts

A mesothelioma settlement is typically worth between $1 - $1.4 million, according to Mealey’s® Litigation Report: Asbestos.

Lawsuits that don’t settle and go to trial award $5 million to $11.4 million on average through verdicts. But, some verdicts award less or even no money.

That said, different factors in each veteran’s case affect how much they could get from asbestos lawsuit settlements.

Factors Affecting Mesothelioma Settlement Amounts

  • Asbestos Exposure

    Asbestos exposure is the only known cause of mesothelioma. Companies used asbestos but hid the risks for decades, so it’s now possible to file lawsuits against them and get settlements.

    You could get settlements from multiple companies if you worked with many different asbestos products.

    Our partner mesothelioma law firm can look at your military and work history to see when and where your exposure occurred and identify the companies responsible.

  • Diagnosis

    Asbestos causes many illnesses in addition to mesothelioma. What asbestos-related illness you have affects your settlement payout.

    You may get more money if you have mesothelioma or lung cancer than if you have a noncancerous disease like asbestosis.

  • Out-of-Pocket Expenses

    Your lawyer will fight to get the most money possible from a settlement. They’ll try to make sure you have money to cover your mesothelioma treatment costs, pain and suffering, and lost wages if you can’t work.

  • Statutes of Limitations

    Statutes of limitations are laws set by each state that limit the amount of time you have to pursue asbestos litigation.

    If the statute passes in your case, you won’t be able to file a lawsuit or pursue a settlement. A lawyer can help you take legal action before it’s too late.

  • Asbestos Trust Funds

    Some asbestos companies can’t be sued since they filed for bankruptcy. However, your attorneys may still be able to get compensation from them through an asbestos trust fund claim.

    Many bankrupt asbestos companies were forced to put money in these trusts to pay mesothelioma patients. Asbestos trusts contain $30 billion today, and you can pursue settlements and trust fund claims at the same time.

Recent Mesothelioma Settlement and Verdict Examples

The Mesothelioma Veterans Center’s legal partners have secured millions of dollars for other U.S. veterans and their families through settlements and verdicts.

Contact our team now to learn how much money you might receive from a mesothelioma lawsuit settlement. You can still file for VA benefits too — we’ll help you pursue VA benefits and settlements.

Mesothelioma Settlements vs. Trial Verdicts

Over 99% of mesothelioma lawsuits reach settlements rather than going to trial.

Here are how asbestos settlements and verdicts work:

  • In a settlement, lawyers for the plaintiffs (mesothelioma victims suing) get money by negotiating with lawyers for the defendants (asbestos companies). The asbestos case isn’t heard in court.
  • During a trial, both legal teams present evidence to a judge and jury, who then decide the case.

Trials are typically more risky for both sides and usually take longer, which is why most lawsuits are settled.

Benefits of Settling a Mesothelioma Lawsuit

There are many benefits to settling a mesothelioma lawsuit.

These benefits include:

  • Effectiveness: Settlements often award $1 million or more — life-changing money for you and your family members. You can use settlement payouts to cover medical bills, household expenses, and much more.
  • Security: Your attorneys negotiate a set amount of money through a settlement. There’s no way to know how much mesothelioma compensation (if any) you’ll get from a trial.
  • Speed: Settling a mesothelioma lawsuit is faster than going to trial. You may start getting money in 90 days or less through settlements.

Arthur “Art” Putt, a veteran of the U.S. Army and Air Force, used his mesothelioma case settlements to help himself and his family.

“We gave all that money to our kids, paid all their debts off, paid our house off, and made our life a little easier because we had no financial worries. We still don’t have any financial worries because of it.”

— Art Putt, U.S. veteran and mesothelioma survivor

A settlement will likely be the best option for you, but top asbestos lawyers can prepare your case for a trial if necessary.

Looking to find the best mesothelioma lawyers for your case? Contact us to find a lawyer near you.

Free Case Review for Veterans With Mesothelioma
  • File for or increase VA benefits
  • Get legal payouts worth $1 million+
  • Law firm founded by veterans

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Process to Reach a Mesothelioma Lawsuit Settlement

1. Gather Evidence and Prepare the Claim

An experienced mesothelioma attorney gathers information to build your case.

This information may include:

  • Medical records confirming your mesothelioma diagnosis
  • Military service records and civilian work history (to show you worked with asbestos-based products)

Lawyers will then build a case that explains how you got sick from asbestos exposure and why the defendants are to blame. Connect with a mesothelioma lawyer now to get started.

2. File the Claim

Your legal team files your asbestos claim on your behalf.

Your lawyers won’t sue the military or government, but rather the companies that made the asbestos-containing products you were exposed to.

“I didn’t wanna sue my government and I damn sure didn’t wanna sue the Navy because they’re still feeding me. I was suing the asbestos manufacturer.”

— Walter Twidwell, U.S. Navy veteran with mesothelioma

3. Enter Discovery Phase

Once the defendants respond to a lawsuit, discovery will begin. During this process, each legal team may request documents and additional evidence from the other to strengthen their case.

Depositions (written, in-person, or virtual interviews) may also take place. If you need to give a deposition, a lawyer can help you prepare.

4. Begin Settlement Negotiations

An older couple sits with a younger person who is holding documents in their hand.Using the evidence collected, your lawyer will try to negotiate a settlement to resolve the case.

A top mesothelioma lawyer will try to negotiate the most amount of money possible on your behalf.

5. Receive Settlement

Your attorneys will notify you once they’ve received a mesothelioma settlement offer. If you agree, you’ll get papers to sign to confirm the offer. Your attorney will keep you updated as to when you’ll get the settlement money.

You can use the money from a settlement to pay for anything you need or want, including medical bills, living expenses, or vacations.

In the rare event a settlement isn’t reached, your attorneys will fight for you in court and try to get financial compensation through a jury award.

Download our Free Attorney Checklist to see how our lawyers can help veterans like you get settlements.

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Pursue Mesothelioma Settlements With Legal Help

If you or a loved one developed mesothelioma after serving in the military, you may be eligible for financial settlements.

You may be able to get $1 million or more from mesothelioma settlements to help pay your medical expenses and other bills while receiving VA benefits at the same time.

Next steps to get mesothelioma lawsuit settlements:

  1. Contact the Mesothelioma Veterans Center’s partner lawyers, many of whom are U.S. veterans
  2. Let our attorneys file a legal claim for you if you’re eligible
  3. Receive mesothelioma settlement payouts

Call (877) 450-8973 now to see if you can work with a top asbestos lawyer to pursue mesothelioma settlements.

Mesothelioma Settlements FAQs

What is the average settlement for mesothelioma victims?

Mesothelioma settlements pay out $1 million to $1.4 million on average to U.S. veterans and their family members. Some veterans with mesothelioma have received even higher payouts than the average mesothelioma settlement amounts.

Does everyone with mesothelioma get a settlement?

Not everyone will get mesothelioma settlements, but it may be possible for you to do so. For best results, speak with an attorney soon after you are diagnosed with mesothelioma.

An asbestos attorney can file a claim and secure settlements on your behalf if you qualify.

Remember, these mesothelioma claims don’t involve the military or government, and you can still get VA benefits in addition to settlement payouts.

Can I get a mesothelioma settlement after the death of a loved one?

Yes, you may be eligible for mesothelioma settlements if a loved one died from this cancer. Speak to an attorney to see if you can file a mesothelioma wrongful death lawsuit and seek a settlement.

How long does it take for a mesothelioma settlement?

Each case varies, but you could start getting mesothelioma settlements in under 90 days when you work with the Mesothelioma Veterans Center.

We can help you access mesothelioma settlements, VA benefits, and asbestos trust fund claims if you’re eligible.

Are mesothelioma settlements taxable income?

Mesothelioma settlements may or may not be subject to state and federal taxes. Your lawyer or tax advisor can tell you whether a settlement will be taxed in your case.

What is the highest mesothelioma settlement?

The highest mesothelioma financial payout ever recorded was $250 million. Our partner law firm secured this for a retired steelworker who developed mesothelioma.

In addition, our legal partners have secured significant settlements for U.S. Navy veterans and members of other military branches. This includes a $40 million payout to a Navy veteran from Washington.

Work with our team to get help securing the highest possible settlement or trial verdict in your case.

Veterans Support Team
Brian J. Cooke PhotoReviewed by:Brian J. Cooke

Mesothelioma Lawyer and U.S. Marine Corps Veteran

  • Fact-Checked
  • Legal Editor

Brian J. Cooke is a mesothelioma attorney with Simmons Hanly Conroy and a veteran of the U.S. Marine Corps. Thanks in part to his military service, Brian is in tune with many of the issues that veterans with mesothelioma face. Brian and his team work tirelessly to secure compensation for those with this rare and deadly cancer.

Christopher Dryfoos PhotoWritten by:

Contributing Author

Christopher Dryfoos is a journalist and member of the American Medical Writers Association (AMWA). As the grandson of the U.S. Navy’s first forensic pathologist, he aims to help veterans with mesothelioma access needed care.

  1. Bates, C. and Mullin, C. (2007). Mealey’s Litigation Report: Asbestos: Show Me The Money. 2007. Retrieved March 11, 2024, from
  2. Feeley, J. (2020, January 7). J&J Said to Pay More Than $2 Million in Rare Talc Settlement. Retrieved March 11, 2024, from
  3. The Philadelphia Inquirer. (2020, February 27). Philly School District poised to pay $850K to teacher diagnosed with mesothelioma. Retrieved March 11, 2024, from