Amy Fair headshot

Amy Fair, RN

20+ Years of Experience
Amy Fair, RN, has been helping mesothelioma patients connect with top doctors, treatments, and cancer facilities for decades. Through her work at the Mesothelioma Veterans Center, Amy can help veterans like you or your loved ones find care.

With more than 20 years experience in helping mesothelioma patients access treatments, Amy Fair is an expert who can walk you through your cancer battle

Mesothelioma is rare and aggressive, so it can be overwhelming if you’ve been just diagnosed. Amy can speak into your diagnosis and recommend suggestions and advice, ensuring you get the best care possible. 

Amy has helped mesothelioma patients like you:

  • Connect with top doctors and cancer centers
  • Join clinical trials (where new cancer treatments are studied) 
  • Understand financial options when paying for treatments

Amy Fair
Amy Fair

“Answering patient questions, explaining options, and just listening to a patient and their loved ones is the number one reason why I’m here."

Amy works with our other registered nurses and medical assistants to provide tireless support to U.S. veterans and civilians fighting mesothelioma. 

Connect with our team now to get in touch with Amy and our other nursing support staff. With their help, you can find the best treatment options in your case and get the answers you deserve. 

United, We Will Stand With You

The Mesothelioma Veterans Center is here to serve you.

Do you still have questions? Call our team today at (877) 450-8973.