Gabi Lebron

Caring Patient Advocate for U.S. Veterans
Gabi Lebron understands firsthand the toll that asbestos-related diseases can have on a family. As a patient advocate, she is committed to providing others with clarity and support while they navigate this challenging time.

Gabi was born into a U.S. Navy family. Her grandfather, uncles, and many cousins served in the military, instilling in her a deep appreciation for their dedication and sacrifice.

Gabi's dedication to supporting those affected by asbestos-related illnesses is deeply personal. Her grandfather, a boiler technician in the U.S. Navy, was exposed to asbestos during his service and later developed lung cancer.

When he passed away in 2015, it fueled Gabi’s resolve to seek justice for others in a similar situation. She sees it as a privilege to advocate on behalf of patients who, like her grandfather, fell ill through no fault of their own.

Active listening and empathy are at the center of Gabi's approach to supporting clients. As an asbestos patient advocate, she strives to empower families with resources and information while guiding them through their options.

Gabi was born and raised in South Florida. In her free time, she fosters kittens with her son and volunteers at local animal shelters. She also enjoys reading, hiking, going to the beach, and spending time with her family.

United, We Will Stand With You

The Mesothelioma Veterans Center is here to serve you.

Do you still have questions? Call our team today at (877) 450-8973.