VA Disability Appeals

Filing a disability claim through the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) can be complicated. A simple mistake may cause the VA to reject a claim. For those with mesothelioma, this can be terrifying since the cancer is very aggressive. Luckily, veterans can appeal unfavorable decisions from the VA and still receive disability benefits.

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What Are VA Disability Appeals?

A lawyer receives a manila envelope from a client

An appeal gives veterans the opportunity to overturn a decision from the VA if their disability claim was delayed or denied.

Veterans with mesothelioma can apply for VA benefits to access medical treatments and disability compensation. Since 1 out of every 3 mesothelioma patients served in the U.S. military — and may have been exposed to asbestos during their service — these benefits are more than deserved.

As of 2024, married veterans are entitled to [reusable-data id="25645" label="VA Benefits – Married"] per month with 100% disability.

However, the VA may not accept all disability claims. Filing for VA benefits is a very confusing process, and without help from a VA-accredited claims agent or lawyer, veterans can make mistakes that cause their claim to be rejected — even if they actually were exposed to asbestos while actively serving.

This makes the VA appeals process a useful tool, as it gives veterans a second chance to get the benefits they deserve.

VA Disability Appeals Process

Veterans can file an appeal by working with a VA-accredited attorney. These attorneys know how to build a strong case and collect evidence on the veteran’s behalf — which may make the difference in appealing an unfavorable decision.

Call (877) 450-8973 to see if you can file an appeal and pursue mesothelioma VA benefits now.

If the VA rejects or denies a VA claim, veterans have one year to decide if they want to appeal the decision.

Did you know?

The VA recently updated its appeals process, meaning different rules now apply depending on when the veteran received the original decision.

Those who received a decision on February 19, 2019, or later can file an appeal in 1 of 3 ways.

VA disability appeal options include: 

  • Higher-Level Review: With this option, a senior-level VA reviewer will look at the claim. The reviewer will see if an error or difference of opinion caused the claim to be rejected or denied. Veterans cannot submit additional evidence here, but they may call the reviewer and explain the case.
  • Supplemental Claim: Veterans can submit more evidence to support the claim and send it off for another review. This option can be helpful if the claim was missing information or if new evidence is found to support the claim. A reviewer will then examine the claim alongside the new evidence.
  • Judicial Review: This option allows veterans to appeal directly to a veterans law judge. These judges sit on the Board of Veterans’ Appeals in Washington, D.C. In a judicial review, a veteran can:
    • Ask for a direct review of the case (without new evidence or a hearing)
    • Submit new evidence without a hearing
    • Submit new evidence and also meet with a veterans’ law judge (this meeting does not decide the case — the veteran will explain to the judge why they appealed, and a transcript is added to the case)

Veterans can visit the VA’s official website or talk to a VA-accredited claims agent to learn about which option they should pursue to get their benefits.

Get help with your mesothelioma VA benefits by working with our accredited lawyers right now if eligible.

Need help filing for VA benefits?

VA-Accredited Attorney Eric Hall (Major USAFR) can help you file for free.

  • 20+ years of experience
  • Get or increase your VA payouts
  • Access benefits with no stress

Eic Hall VA accredited attorney

File for VA Benefits

VA Disability Appeals Process Prior to 2019

Those who received an initial decision before February 19, 2019, must follow the old VA appeals process.

Here is a breakdown of the old VA appeals process: 

  1. The veteran files a Notice of Disagreement (NOD). A NOD formally requests that the VA reconsider its decision. Ideally, the NOD should include new evidence to strengthen the case, if possible.
  2. A reviewer examines the case along with any new evidence. From there, they provide a Statement of the Case, in which they will accept or deny the appeal.
  3. If the Statement of the Case is unfavorable, the veteran can appeal the decision again — this time to the Board of Veterans’ Appeals. Like the current system, the veteran can choose to submit the case as is, add more evidence, or request a hearing with a judge.
  4. From there, the VA Board of Appeals reviews the case and makes a decision. The Board will either allow, deny, or remand the appeal. When an appeal is remanded, the Board cannot make a decision, and the appeal gets sent back to lower levels for another review.

Importance of VA Appeals

VA appeals are extremely important for veterans with mesothelioma since the cancer is highly aggressive.

Though mesothelioma takes 10-50 years to develop after exposure to asbestos fibers, veterans with mesothelioma have limited life expectancy: just a few years — or even months — depending on their diagnosis.

Most patients are not diagnosed until cancer has spread, making the chances of long-term survival slim. And, if a veteran’s VA disability claim is denied, they could lose out on crucial VA health care services at a time when they need it most.

Because of this, the appeals process can be a blessing to veterans with mesothelioma.

The VA disability appeals process allows veterans to: 

  • Add new evidence to support their claims
  • Correct mistakes they made
  • Discuss their case (and any disputes) with those reviewing the appeal
  • See if the VA made a mistake that caused the claim to be denied
Need help filing for VA benefits?
VA-Accredited Attorney Capt RIANG Eric Hall can help you file for free.
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Secure Submission

Veterans with mesothelioma normally receive a 100% disability rating — a cash value of $3,946.25 monthly if they're married — but only if the VA accepts their claim.

Since many veterans may not be able to work after a mesothelioma diagnosis, these payouts may be their only way to cover their medical treatments and related expenses. This is why it is so important to appeal a claim if denied.

Who Can Submit a VA Disability Appeal?

Veterans can submit a VA disability appeal. If a veteran passes away, their loved ones (such as their spouse) may be able to receive benefits and file appeals if their benefits claim is denied.

Get Help With Filing Your VA Disability Appeal

an elderly couple talking to an attorney

If your disability claim for mesothelioma was rejected, don’t panic.

With the help of a VA-accredited claims agent or attorney, you have a better chance of receiving VA benefits. These agents know the ins and outs of applying for VA benefits, as well as how to appeal if you were denied them.

VA-accredited claims agents can help you: 

  • Avoid delays in the appeals process
  • Gather evidence
  • File your appeal on time
  • Prevent unnecessary mistakes
  • Receive the benefits you deserve

The Mesothelioma Veterans Center has VA-accredited claims agents on staff who can help you throughout the appeals process. Learn more about the ways our team can help you receive VA benefits today.

FAQs About VA Appeals

How long are VA appeals taking right now?

This depends on the specifics of the case and what type of review process has been chosen.

Here are rough estimates of how long it will take to process claims: 

  • Higher-Level Review: 4-5 months
  • Supplemental Claim: 4-5 months
  • Judicial Review: 1 year (or longer with new evidence or a hearing)

Under the old VA appeals process, it typically took 12-18 months to review a new appeal and make a decision on it. It can take even longer in some cases.

For example, after a mesothelioma diagnosis in the mid-2000s, a veteran applied for VA disability benefits but never received them. His widow couldn’t successfully appeal until 2010 — more than five years after the veteran passed away.

How successful are VA disability appeals?

According to the Board of Veterans’ Appeals annual fiscal year report for 2018, about 36% of appeals were approved. Approximately 39% of appeals for that year were remanded.

As of 2019, 60% of all appeals are remanded at least once before a final decision is made.

How can I check my VA appeal status?

Veterans can track their appeal online by signing into the VA website, much like they can do to manage their other VA benefits.

Veterans can track: 

  • Approximate wait times
  • Current, previous, and next steps for the appeal
  • Number of appeals ahead of the case

For help tracking their VA appeal status, veterans should get in touch with a claims agent or lawyer accredited by the VA.

How many times can you appeal VA disability rating?

There is no limit on how many times you can appeal to get a higher VA disability rating. You can work with our team to increase your disability rating following a mesothelioma diagnosis with minimal extra stress.

The VA almost always rates mesothelioma as a 100% disability, allowing you to get the highest financial payouts available.

Our VA-accredited attorneys can easily guide you through the process of your mesothelioma disability rating to 100%. Call (877) 450-8973 now.


Veterans Support Team
Christopher Dryfoos PhotoWritten by:

Contributing Author

Christopher Dryfoos is a journalist and member of the American Medical Writers Association (AMWA). As the grandson of the U.S. Navy’s first forensic pathologist, he aims to help veterans with mesothelioma access needed care.

  1. U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs. (n.d.). File a Supplemental Claim with new evidence. Retrieved March 18, 2024, from
  2. U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs. (n.d.). Request a Higher-Level Review. Retrieved March 18, 2024, from
  3. U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs. (2018, May 10). Appeals status on Retrieved March 18, 2024, from
  4. U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs. (2018). Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) Board of Veterans’ Appeals Annual Report Fiscal Year (FY) 2018. Retrieved March 18, 2024, from
  5. U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs. (2019, September 27). Get help filing your claim or appeal. Retrieved March 18, 2024, from
  6. U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs. (2019, September 27). File a VA disability appeal. Retrieved March 18, 2024, from
  7. U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs. (2019, February 26). VA Appeals Modernization. Retrieved March 18, 2024, from